I came across this on Pinterest...where else?! I've decided to have a little fun and answer
for me and Greg. Now mind you, these are not Greg's actual answers..but rather what he
should say. We'll see if we can get Greg to play along at a later date.
for me and Greg. Now mind you, these are not Greg's actual answers..but rather what he
should say. We'll see if we can get Greg to play along at a later date.
What would you be happy doing for hours on end?
Becki: Being on Pinterest or my phone.
Greg: Sitting in a tree stand freezing his nuts off.
What will your firstborn daughters name be? (or what would your next daughter's name be?)
What does your dream vacation look like?
What is your guilty pleasure?
When did you first know you were going to marry your spouse?
Becki: On our first trip when he was puking his brains out and I took care of him.
What is one thing you always disagree on as a couple?
Becki: How much fun I am when I'm drinking and Greg is sober.
Greg: see above (I know this one for sure. hahahah bring on the Captain & Diet!)
What is your favorite Olympic event?
Becki: Figure skating.
Greg: Everything...even ping pong and trampoline. Weirdo.
If you had the money to buy your significant other any one thing right now what would you buy them?
Becki: I would buy Greg the new Ranger 4-wheeler that is better than his one year old one.
Greg: He better freaking say an orange camaro.
Would you rather be blind or deaf?
Becki: Blind
Greg: Deaf ....so he didn't have to hear me!
What food do you HATE?
Becki: bacon. Yuck, hate the smell and the taste (when I still ate meat)
Greg: Bananas, fish, anything new.
What will your firstborn daughters name be? (or what would your next daughter's name be?)
Becki: If by some odd reason we ended up with another child and she was a girl, I would
name her McKinley.
name her McKinley.
Greg: Who knows. The names he selected when we were name hunting for Maverick were
just plain awful!!!!
What is your biggest pet peeve?
just plain awful!!!!
What is your biggest pet peeve?
Becki: having hot breath on my face when I'm sleeping.
Greg: being bitched at for having hot breath.
If you got a life supply subscription to any magazine, what magazine would you choose?
If you got a life supply subscription to any magazine, what magazine would you choose?
Becki: Fitness or Shape
Greg: Something with camo on the cover.
What was your favorite subject in elementary school? (lunch and recess don't count)
What was your favorite subject in elementary school? (lunch and recess don't count)
Becki: Science
Greg: Math
You just scored $5. What do you spend it on?
You just scored $5. What do you spend it on?
Becki: Socks or some random holiday decoration.
Greg: Lunch. Double Quarterpounder with cheese & Fries.
What were your thoughts when you first met your other half?
What were your thoughts when you first met your other half?
Becki: That he looked really good in the ripped jeans he was wearing.
Greg: He said I shook my butt for him...he's a freaking liar. I did no such thing.
Favorite classic Disney princess?
Favorite classic Disney princess?
Becki: Belle or Cinderella
Greg: Which ever one wears the least clothes.
If you could reincarnate into any animal after you die, what animal would you want to be?
If you could reincarnate into any animal after you die, what animal would you want to be?
Becki: Elephant
Greg: I can only say that the most fitting would be a buck..Karma baby..
What did you do on your favorite date with one another?
What did you do on your favorite date with one another?
Becki: I would have to say our first trip together (hot tub cabin..woods)
Greg: The dinner and movie date..that turned into something else (use your imagination!!!)
What does your dream vacation look like?
Becki: Aruba
Greg: Aruba
What is your most embarrassing moment?
What is your most embarrassing moment?
Becki: When I fell walking into the Elton John concert. Totally Greg's fault.
Greg: Greg was sick, and he said he had to wear underwear just in case he had an
accident. I still laugh at that to this day.
What is your favorite television show?
Becki: Grey's or Law & Order SVU
What is your favorite television show?
Becki: Grey's or Law & Order SVU
Greg: NCIS or some hunting show.
What is your guilty pleasure?
Becki: Lindor Truffles or staring at Adam Levine.
Greg: Little Debbie
When did you first know you were going to marry your spouse?
Becki: On our first trip when he was puking his brains out and I took care of him.
Greg: Better be the same answer as mine!
Your house is on fire. What five items do you grab before you leave?
Becki: assuming everyone is out- Jayden's footprint, picture cds, the outfit Maddye came home
from the hospital in, Mav's first outfit, and my Grandma's chickens.
Greg: His mounted: deer, turkey, ram, hog and his lucky hunting something...
What is the greatest place you've ever traveled to?
Becki: Aruba
Greg: Aruba
Are you a morning person or a night person?
Are you a morning person or a night person?
Becki: Night. For sure.
Greg: Annoying morning person.
Who is someone you wish you were closer to?
Who is someone you wish you were closer to?
Becki: My Dad
Greg: Ted Nugent
If you had to move out of the country where would you move to?
Becki: Canada
Greg: Canada..he would have no choice.
What is something weird your spouse does while asleep?
Becki: Greg sounds like 3 bears fighting over a salmon when he is sleeping.
Greg: I'm pretty sure he will say I moan. There is no documented evidence of this yet.
Which of the 7 deadly sins are you? (anger, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony)
Becki: Lust for sure.
Greg: Gluttony (yes I might be going to hell for this...but Little Debbie..remember?!?)
What music artist do you love that your other half hates listening to?
What music artist do you love that your other half hates listening to?
Becki: Maroon 5
Greg: Bruce Springsteen...(I always say..hey Bruce..stop talking and sing!)
What has your other half recently done that made you love them more?
What has your other half recently done that made you love them more?
Becki: He slept on the floor when I was in the hospital.
Greg: The Mission Impossible voicemail I left him the other day.
Ideally, where would you like to be 5 years from now?
Becki: Same place we are now...just richer!
Greg: Same place we are now..just richer and a few more deer on the wall.
Who wears the pants?
Who wears the pants?
Becki: Me. With amazing heels.
Greg: no comment.
What is a household chore you HATE doing?
Becki: cleaning the toilets.
Greg: Household chores?! What's that.
What is something you feel guilty about or wish you had done better this week?
What is something you feel guilty about or wish you had done better this week?
Becki: Working out...I was a slacker!
Greg: Guilt?! What's that?
Future son's name?
Becki: No idea. How do you top Maverick?
Future son's name?
Becki: No idea. How do you top Maverick?
Greg: Fred Flint Stone. (yes you can gasp now)
What is a talent you wish you were better at?
What is a talent you wish you were better at?
Becki: I wish I could sing! I kinda sound like a cat in heat.
Greg: The harmonica.
If you weren't currently married/dating your other half, where do you think you would you be?
Becki: I'd probably be a whore. I'm being honest here.
Greg: A lonely hunter looking for love.
What is your favorite outdoor activity?
What is your favorite outdoor activity?
Becki: sitting on my swing watching the kiddies play
Greg: Huntin'
What was your favorite memory from the wedding celebration/reception? (NOT THE CEREMONY)Becki: When I kicked out the wedding crashers!
Greg: The cake.
What was your favorite thing that you did this summer?
Becki: Kazapalooza
Greg: Golf
How would a classmate have described you in high school?
Becki: Fat and nice. Ugh.
Greg: Quiet.
When you go to an event/party/potluck, what food do you hope is there?
Becki: something diet friendly
Greg: something chocolate
What are your favorite smartphone apps?
Becki: myfitnesspal, facebook, twitter
Greg: what's an app?
What is something that always embarrasses you?
Becki: nothing embarrasses me.
Greg: He's probably going to say me. Hahahaha.
Who is your celebrity man crush?
Becki: Adam Levine
Greg: Sean Connery
If a movie was made about your life, who would you want to play you?
Becki: Charlize Theron
Greg: Larry the Cable Guy
What is your favorite candy bar?
Becki: York Peppermint Patty
Greg: Kit Kat
If you could redo anything about your wedding what would you do differently?
Becki: Nothing
Greg: Have some camo
If you were a fruit, what would you be?
Becki: a banana. I like to be peeled.
Greg: a chocolate covered strawberry
What is your favorite classic Disney movie?
Becki: Lady and the Tramp
Greg: Bambi
What is something your other half does that took a long time/is taking a long time to get used to?
Becki: Farts. Alot.
Greg: I talk back...lmao. I'm pretty sure he still isn't use to that.
What do you consider "you song?" (or what was your first dance?)
Becki: Our "song" is Unchained Melody but the song that is "us" is Crazy by Gnarls Barkley.
Greg: What she said.
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