What's new? Well for starters our baby is 2! On June 20
th, Maverick turned 2. We had a big birthday party for him on June 18
th, complete with a bounce house! He had a blast, and loved every gift he got! For his actual birthday we got a small cake (from the bakery case- that happened to be yellow and aqua..
humm meant to be?!) and he opened the presents we got for him. He didn't quite get the blow out the candle thing- although he did blow after it was blown out..oh well..next year! His birthday was a very emotional day for me. Last year he was still being held hostage in
Kaz, and we didn't know if we would ever bring him home. This year we celebrated with our crazy baby! I can't even say how thankful we are for him.

As for how he's doing- he's great. Growing, eating, getting into things..just like any other 2 year old. He's talking up a storm, and I (and my mom) hear "Mom" about a hundred times a day. He had eye surgery on May 13
th, and he's doing great. We have a follow up on the 28
th, so we will see what the doctor says about how his eyes are adjusting. I think they look great- they still cross every now and then, but that could be due to the fact he needs glasses eventually. He was also circumcised - which healed very well, and we're glad we got it done. (Yes we know it is not medically necessary, and yes we know we didn't have to do it. We decided to get it done.
Nuff said)

Maverick loves
Maddye. He says
Maddye so cute! They are quite the pair, and when the two of them get going it is loud and giggly. I love it..most of the time!
Maddye is a mother hen, and is very loving to her brother. She is the big sister I knew she would be.
Maddye is officially a 5th grader, and is loving summer break. I'm very jealous of her! (well not being in 5th grade, but for having the summer off!)

The above picture is of Maverick's birthday cake. I thought it was way too cute. Maverick thought it was funny and he wasn't interested in eating it at all. Maverick hasn't quite found his sweet tooth yet! Don't worry..he's a Stone..he will find it soon.

Lets see...what else do I have?! How about this- I have a new position at work which keeps me way busier during the day. I love it, and I have my very own office..with a window. Super classy. Did I mention it is a brand new office? We just moved into our newly renovated offices yesterday. Did I mention we will have a huge gym? Locker room? Lounge? Kitchen? I'm beyond lucky. My job rocks.
What else? We've been busy with landscaping which I hope is done. Well I know we have a little more to do, but we're close to being done. Finally.
What else? My 33rd birthday is Sunday. How the heck did I get to be 33?! Seems like just yesterday I turned 30. I don't think I want anything this year...after all- did you see those 2 cute kids in the picture above?! They are the best gifts ever.
In honor of Maverick's birthday we donated to the Karakastek baby house. Enough for an entire months worth of food. It still makes me sick how skinny Maverick was when we picked him up, so hopefully this will help the babies we left behind.
I was asked the other day if we would adopt again. As much as I would love to, it isn't in the cards for us. Although I do believe that God has a plan for us, and who knows what that might be.
I'm going to end this post with "holy crap Maverick is Greg" I can't tell you how many times we get told Maverick looks just like Daddy. I can't tell you how many times I look at him and think to myself "how is this not his biological son". It is unreal.
Until next time....
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