Maverick is starting to talk. If you say "say Mama" he will repeat whatever you say in his little baby boy voice. It's so cute. He will say: Go, Mama, Dada, Maddye (Maaee- so cute!), book, Mommy, no way, no, poop, shoe, tickle, bath, whoa, wow, baba (for his bottle). He also says awww, and wee. Which are both pretty funny. When he wants to talk he will try to say whatever you ask him to say. When he doesn't want to talk..well he is silent. Completely silent.
He's also walking. Not full time, but he does walk across the room without assistance. He has also learned that he can run, and when he runs, he always falls.
Maverick's personality is really coming out. He's found his humor- where before we had tickle him or use a toy to make him laugh, he will laugh out of the blue because he finds something funny. Last night he thought farting in the tub was the funniest thing ever. He looked up at me with pride. Yep..that's my boy.
Maddye is a total mother hen. It's so cute to watch them. Maddye can get Maverick crazy though. I have to say "settle down" quite a bit. Once the two of them get giggling it takes a while to get things calmed down. Although usually a case of the hiccups will do it too!
Is it a Kaz thing? My girl is so stubborn and will not repeat words on demand. I think her therapists must think I am lying about the words she says! Not walking yet here....well, a step or two maybe..... Go Mav! He is doing so great!!