Diapers in the laundry. Yep...not even kidding. We, and when I say we, I mean I, somehow washed a diaper. Boy those things are absorbent. Thankfully we have a front loader so it didn't tear it to shreds. I will say reaching in and feeling a soggy wet diaper was a bit out of my league. I should have taken a picture, and of course I rewashed the entire load. Yes, my carbon footprint is bigger these days.
Speaking of laundry, holy dirty clothes. This boy can seriously go through 3 outfits a day. I'm considering getting him some waterproof baby clothes just so he can shake off. Maybe, just maybe my laundry will get caught up. Or, maybe not.
Poop. We have alot more poop. When I say we, I mean Maverick, and well Greg. That's a whole other story. I'm pretty sure Maverick enjoys pooping in a nice clean diaper. I'm also pretty sure he enjoys pooping just so I say "YUCK, YOU STINK" which I do every time, because he does. He giggles and says yuck right back at me. It's a game I tell you.
My car looks like Gerber had a giant convention, and didn't clean up. I'm not really sure how it happened, but holy crap it's bad. Oh, and a bottle under your seat that you didn't know existed smells. Bad. The 13 drops that came out of the bottle made my entire car smell like a cross between rotten milk and a dead cow. Needless to say I was rocking a classic taxi cab air freshener for a week. You should also know, you should never, I repeat never, open said bottle. Just throw that puppy away. The smell you have in your car is nothing compared to the punch it unleashes when the nipple comes off. Save yourself and throw it out. It will decompose in like a million years, don't worry.
My purse use to be so neat. Use to be so organized. Now I have matchbox cars, bottle caps, diapers, wipes, puffs, and who knows what else in the bottom. It weighs about 37 pounds and doesn't snap very well. Ugh I'm so ashamed.
So apparently I pushed my diaper bag to the limit. I will admit I like to pack plenty of "just in case" items, because you just never know when you will need them. Maverick spends the day with my mom while I work, so 3 outfits (yes three..see above) extra socks, food, diapers, bottles, and the "just in case" stuff. Not alot right? Wrong. First the zipper broke. Then the sides gave way. So it went in the trash. (yes I know..carbon footprint is getting bigger) I searched and searched for the perfect diaper bag. I found nothing that fit my needs. I did however find a giant plastic tote I got from my previous job. Giant, plastic, tough zipper and it's lime green. Awesome.
What else is new? Maverick is doing awesome. He's come so far since we brought him home 6 months ago. He's walking, talking, and being a typical boy. He's just a little smaller than boys his age- but we're working on it. One french fry at a time. I'm kidding...sort of. My dad has Maverick addicted to fries. They are like crack to him. I keep telling myself it could be worse. Although, he says "fry" if he sees any kid of paper bag, and yelled out "fry frysss" from the back seat when I ordered ice cream the other day. So, no I don't think he has a severe problem...yet.
We went to the adoption doctor again a couple weeks ago, and he's gained 6 pounds and grew 3.5 inches. She said his growth is incredible, and showed us on the growth chart how big of a jump he has made. He's still not on the actual chart, but I'll take a great growth any day. He has to have eye surgery on May 13th, so we are getting him circumcised at the same time. I know, it sounds horrible, but I would rather him go under once, and be done with it. I'm freaking out a little now, and I know I'll be a mess that day. He's in great hands, but he's my baby!! I know it's going to be the longest hour of my life.
Maverick is talking so much. His words so far are: mama, dada, baba, baby, car, thank you, tickle, bath, two, three, five, hi, bye, deer, nice, book, look, monkey, Maddye, bee, no, yes, yeah, shoe, yuck and I'm sure I'm missing some. He is starting to repeat everything you say. Which means the toilet tongue I have needs to take a vacation.
He's a boy. ALL boy. I can't believe how different boys are from girls!!!! He is rough with his toys, likes to play rough and loves a thrill. He's a cuddle bug when he wants to be, so I have the best of both worlds. He loves water, and if there is any water any where he will find it, and soak his clothes. I see alot of puddle jumping and bird bath splashing in our future.
He's stubborn like his daddy. He's Greg in a 19 pound body. I believe God had a good ole time making Maverick for us. He looks like Greg, acts like Greg and makes the same faces Greg does. It's so crazy. He was totally meant to be our son. There is no question about it.
Maddye is an awesome big sister. Maverick loves her. When she gets home from school he gets a huge smile and squeals. They have a great bond, and it's fun to watch. The two of them can get giggling and you can't do anything but laugh at it. Maddye jumped right into being a sibling after being an only child for 10 years- which I knew she would. She's an awesome kid who constantly thinks of others first, and she has a heart of gold.
Tonight Maddye had Maverick in her room to make something for Mother's Day. I don't know that for sure, but she told me "Mom, I have Maverick, and don't come in" so I'm pretty sure that's what it is. Seeing them together makes my heart happy.
I'm so blessed. My house is a freaking train wreck, but in the end that doesn't matter. So what if we regularly step on toys. So what if my car is a mess, and it stinks. It's all worth it.